We make setting up and integrating simple and seamless.

Get started now, not later.

More Leads in Less Time

Our AI ChatBot responds immediately, every time. Get back hours in your day assured that your customers are getting responses as soon as they're ready to talk.

Easily Communicate With Patients

The tech support you need to get your marketing system set up in the app flawlessly

Attract New Patients

Interactive Zoom Call each week to answer all your questions so you know you're doing it right.

Grow Your Practice

Be part of a tribe of respected professionals who are hungry for success and want to help each other.

Customized Training & Support

Get the support & accountability you need to get things done.

  • STEP 1:

    Enroll Today and Let's Get You Started!

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  • More Leads in Less Time

    Our AI ChatBot responds immediately, every time. Get back hours in your day assured that your customers are getting responses as soon as they're ready to talk.

  • Easily Communicate With Patients

    The tech support you need to get your marketing system set up in the app flawlessly

  • Attract New PatientsInteractive Zoom Call each week to answer all your questions so you know you're doing it right.

  • Grow Your Practice

    Be part of a tribe of respected professionals who are hungry for success and want to help each other.

  • Customized Training & Support

    Get the support & accountability you need to get things done.

  • One-on-one Concierge Call with Ronda

    We'll discuss everything you need to know to make the most of your time in Authority Creator.

  • Private Quickstart Call with Kim

    We'll discuss what you want to accomplish and set some goals.

  • Private Quickstart Call with Kim

    We'll discuss what you want to accomplish and set some goals.

A single solution to elevate the customer experience

Small Call to Action Headline

Here's What Other Business Owners Are Saying

"Before I started using an AI ChatBot, I was bogged down with a million conversations I just didn’t want to participate in. They were repetitive, time consuming, low-level conversations that weren’t worth my time. Now, I literally just look at my calendar and know who I’m going to talk to. If you’re on the fence, you need to get off the fence and try it out."

Miles M.

Happy Customer

"I'm so glad we finally got an AI ChatBot. What a game changer!! Our cost for booked calls went from $80 to $20! I just wish I would've gotten it sooner."

Daniel N.

Happy Customer

Feel confident that your customers are

being taken care of 24/7.

Kim gave me the road map that I needed to get where I wanted to be. We took our knowledge and turned it into a REAL income stream!

Taylor Thompson

WealthBuilding Academy

What makes this mastermind different from others? I think it is the access. Kim really, really wants you to succeed. She'll prod you and kick your booty a little bit when you need that to happen. But she's also very encouraging and holds you accountable to projects that you're working on. Keeping the next steps in front of you. And all the systems, marketing automations, and resources to implement have been worth the price of admission. It's just been invaluable.

Jeff Sieh

Manly Pinterest Tips

I know that I would not have doubled my income or be on track to quadruple it in this quarter if it wasn't for the work I did with Kim. I highly recommend Kim to you as a smart choice to grow yourself and your business.

Narelle Todd

Get My Book Out There

Copyright ©2023 · Kim Garst